Sewage and drain 

By Mai and Thea

We have three municipal wastewater treatment plants on Nesodden. Some parts of Nesoddens drain go through Asker and the wastewater treatment plants in Asker is called VEAS. Here is a map over Nesodden and our municipal wastewater treatment plants. 


VEAS is a company in Askera town nearby Nesodden, as you can see on the map above.  Nesodden is the light area that is marked with red. The wastewater from some places at Nesodden get cleansed there. At first, the wastewater gets sucked up from an inlet pump station that lies 23 m underground. Here the garbage is removed from the water, usually its q-tip and plastic. To remove phosphor and other organic substances, chemicals are added. The chemicals cause the small particles to bond with bigger particles, so they sink to the bottom and makes something that is called slam. This is easy to remove from the water instead of the small particlesthat’s nearly impossible to just remove. The wastewater gets collected in a treatment plant where they rinse the water from toxic pollution that may be in the water. The purified water is discharged to the nearest sea or river. 






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