Where and what are Nesodden’s water sources?


By Syver, Kristoffer and Magnus

The main source of water on Nesodden is Blekslitjern.  

 How secure is nesoddens water sources? 

Nesodden and Norway has very clean and safe tap water wich is available at all times.

This is mostly because of nesoddens evenly tested kommunal waterworks wich asures that the tap water is safe. Altough, Nesodden have had to limit the usage of water by prohibiting  citizens watering their gardens with sprinklers and water hoses, in most summers though especally last summer.  

Does the water supply get affected by climate change and why doesNesodden have a lack of water in the summer?

In recent summers Nesodden have had a lack of rain and a problem with droughtClimate change can be one of the reasons for this, but we can’t be sure if climate change is the direct reason why we have so much drought in summer times. But we know the temperature of the wheatea

r just get warmer and warmer due to climate change and pollution. Because of the drought problems we have in the summer, our commune Nesodden have forbidden people to give water to their flowers and garden with water hose. 

Our local council also have to use millions of Norwegian kroners every summer to get water from our neighbouring council,  Bærum, because we don’t have enough water ourselves.    


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