By: Mattis and Elias
On Nesodden, we have both private and public sewer systems. Most of the houses in Nesodden are a part of a public sewer system. There are three different sewer systems in Nesodden, and each of them relates to its own part of Nesodden. For example, the place around our school relates to one sewer system, and another area in our municipality is related to another sewer system.
One of the sewer systems does not satisfy the daily request as a sewer system, so there are going to be placed sewer pipes under the fjord to a place called Asker, where there is a bigger sewer system. The sewer from the sewer system that does not satisfy the daily request, are then going to be transported under the fjord to the system in Asker.
We in our group wanted to find out more about details of the sewer system in our municipality, so we had an interview with a man in “Nesodden Sewer”. There we asked him some questions we were wondering about.
The interview we had:
Is the sewer in Nesodden dangerous for the nature and the ecosystem with thoughts on the chemical content?
The sewer is not dangerous for the environment as long it’s not going unclean out in the nature. Almost all the wastewater at Nesodden is going under the ground in pipes before it gets cleaned at the treatment plant. After that it is released into the water. Unclean wastewater contains many dangerous materials for humans, plants and animals, but it contains also good nutrients like phosphor. Phosphor is used at the landmarks for the plants and corn to make them grow faster (that is why the harvesters uses cow poop at their fields). If we release the wastewater into a lake, then it will be a massive algae growth. Algae uses the oxygen in the water so other organism dies of oxygen loss. (Fish, crabs and other animals in the water. That’s why we don’t throw wastewater in the nature.
Are there any challenges with the sewer in Nesodden?
The sewer is not dangerous for the environment as long it’s not going unclean out in the nature. Almost all the wastewater in Nesodden, is going under the ground in pipes before it gets to the cleaned at the treatment plant before it gets dropped out. Unclean wastewater contains many dangerous materials for humans, plants and animals, but it contains also good nutrients like, among other things, phosphorus. Phosphorus is used in the farming for the plants and corn to make them grow faster (that is why farmers use cow poop at their fields). If we release the wastewater into a lake, then it will be a massive alga growth.
Alga uses the oxygen in the water so other organism dies of oxygen loss (fish, crabs and other animals in the water). That’s why we don’t throw wastewater in the nature.
Are there any big differences between how the sewer system in Nesodden and other places run?
Sewage treatment in Norway operates just like many other countries. The treatment requirements could vary but it is almost the same. The thing that separate the water treatment in different places, is the emission point for the clean wastewater. If you release clean wastewater into a small lake, the requirements will be bigger. Some of the normal requirements is about the amount of phosphorus you can release into the water/lake.
What kind of chemical materials is there in the sewer of Nesodden?
Sewer contains mostly nutrients, organic materials and microorganism. There are also many rests from medicines, lard and many other things that doesn’t get dissolved. Many things in our sewer isn’t meant to be there.
Do the sewer and the drinking water on Nesodden have something in common?
Absolutely! The sewer contains 97% clean drinking water from showers, sinks and toilets.
How can the sewer affect the groundwater, freshwater and the fjord around Nesodden?
If we have a sewer leak in one of our pipes, then this will flow down to the ground and soon this will hit the groundwater. Some of the houses with drinking water from the groundwater will then be exposed for polluted drinking water if there is a leak in a pipe. When it’s about lakes and seas, then there is, as I said over, growth og algae and different organic materials will lead to oxygen lack.
A picture of how the new sewer system I going to be:
The black line is the sewer pipes that is going to be placed under the fjord. “Buhrestua renseanlegg” is the name of the sewer system that doesn’t satisfy the daily request.
Veas sewer system does also produce fertilizer from the rests of the sewer.