Do we have enough water?

By: Amina and Sindre

We did some research and asked some people who we thought would give us answers on the questions we made.

The different questions were about where we get our water from and what happens if we don’t have water anymore. Our plan was to send a mail to some experts, but they didn’t answer our e-mails, so we had to og on google and ask someone we thought could answer.

In 2019, we got new and better cleaning methods. That was because it was going to reduce flavour in the water. Sometimes the water can be a little bit smelly as well, and then we can’t drink the water in a few days. This occurs very rarely.

This is what we found out after our research:

Nesodden gets their drinking water from Bleksli, and some of the water comes from a lead from Asker or Bærum.

The water gets cleaned through a water purification plant that is at Bleksli.

It is limited drinking water sources here on Nesodden, but luckily, we have leads from other places. Summer 2018 was a really hot summer and then we had less water than usual.

From a scale of 1 to 10 of how clean the water is, we would say that our water is a 9. Because it’s very clean, but it can’t be perfect. Sometimes it has been bacteria in our water, and then we had to boil it. But that is very rare.

We will have a big problem if Nesodden ran out of water, but we would be able to import form other places.


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Dette er blogg av og for ungdom, som vi lager og bruker på skolen vår! Vi tar opp temaer vi jobber med i fag, men også om ting vi er opptatt av

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